The Hockey Talent Academy camps were helping me on my way up since I was 8 years old. I was there almost every weekend, we were going on every tournament. Jaromir Pytlik makes a perfect job, I have learned there everything I know today - “skating and all skills“. HTA taught me a lot and I think it’s the best Hockey school in Czech. I like to go to Telč to Jarda even now between the NHL seasons, in the last year we have added a gym, where I have the newest things available for a functional training, which help me in skating and in general in my game on the ice.
Martin Nečas
NHL player, player of the Czech national team
I heard about HTA from my younger brother who has cooperated with Jaromir Pytlik for a longer time. I always wanted to improve my hockey skills, mostly my skating. I’m glad that my brother told my about Jaromir. Jaromir pointed out my imperfections to me, but also showed me how to improve them. This year we cooperated for about month where we worked on my skating after which I felt I had made a big improvement. I realize that work on my skating is long-term work so next year it’s definite that Jaromir’s programme is my training choice.
Tomáš Zohorna
Player of KHL, player for Czech National Team
I’m glad that I can improve myself in Telč under Jaromir’s supervison not just in skating but in all skills. Every training in HTA is prepared in great detail, using modern training techniques and at the highest level. I enjoy learning new skating techniques, puck movement and shooting. I’m looking forward to each lesson on the ice because every exercise is different and varied. I feel that it improves my development and I‘m glad that I can train in such a beautiful ice rink as the one in Telč. It’s for sure that Jaromir Pytlik has a vision and I’m certain that his Hockey Talent Academy offers the best training programme in Czech Republic.
Filip Zadina
NHL player, player of the Czech national team
I came to Telc this year for the first time. I trained there for about a month to impove my skills, especially in skating and general movement, before my departure to Russia. I must say that his specific training showed me that I have some things to improve. I have to say that one month spent in Telc with Jaromir Pytlik was very useful and I know that I’ll contact him next season too.
Hynek Zohorna
KHL player, player for Czech National Team
I trained a whole summer in Telc with Jaromir Pytlik who works on skills. It was great that I already had some basic skills for him from the Devils and now I‘m continuing in it here. We do similar things. I feel how much this training helps me. Every player has something to improve, as everybody tells you. The coach Jaromir Pytlik helps me a lot with my skating. He told me where I should improve myself; he understands it very well. I trained a lot in short turns, moving from the corner and similar things. I wanted to improve my technique to be more faster and confident.
Pavel Zacha
NHL player, #6 DRAFT NHL 2015, New Jersey Devils, Daily Sport 2016
I started going to Jaromír Pytlik's HTA school when I was about 11 years old. I knew that it would not be possible without great skating, and because I did not have extra good skating in my youth, I chose the HTA program, we paid a lot of attention to it and here I significantly improved it. I remember that in the beginning I wasn’t able to do some exercises, but over time I improved and I felt it on my skating and movement in the game. That's why even now, between the seasons, I regularly improve in his training programs to further improve my movement in conjunction with other skills. In his programs, everything fits together and there are excellent conditions for doing so in Telč.
Martin Kaut
NHL player, player of the Czech national team
Výrazného úspěchu dosáhl tým Hockey Talent Academy 1999, který pod vedením trenérů Jaromíra Pytlíka a Martina Nečase získal prvenství v prestižním turnaji BAUER EURO INVITE v Praze. Postupně si poradil ve čtvrtfinále se švédským výběrem Reebok Selecets SWEDEN, v semifinále s finským výběrem BLUE ESPOO FINLAND a ve finále pak přehrál zámořský výběr Bauer Selects USA! Úspěšné byly i další týmy Hockey Talent Academy a to ročníky 2001 a 2003, které postoupily do play-off z první pozice ve skupině, uspěly ve čtvrtfinále a vypadly po boji v semifinále, HTA 2000 ve čtvrtfinále a jediným týmem, který ve velké konkurenci nepřešel první kolo play off byl tým HTA ročník 2002. Děkujeme všem hráčům včetně rodičů, kteří reprezentovali projekt v dresech Hockey Talent Academy a SPEED HOCKEY LEAGUE!
Dnes byly na pořadu dne tréninky se zámořskými výběry a poté hra do které po různých úpravách zasáhli všichni hráči. Snahou dnešního dne bylo hráče připravit na konfrontaci s předními světovými týmy, hráče neunavit a zároveň dát možnost více hráčům "nakouknout" pod pokličku zámořského hokeje, neodkrýt všechny karty... Náš záměr hrát v přípravném utkání na 4 lajny ve všech kategoriích se díky několika absencím nepovedl úplně u všech týmů. Výsledkově nejlépe dopadl tým Hockey Talent Academy 2001, který vyhrál 6:3, uspěl i tým Hockey Talent Academy 1999, který vyhrál 5:2, slibně začal tým Hockey Talent Academy 2002 který vyhrával 2:0, ale poté prohrál 2:5, HTA 2003 prohráli 1:5, HTA 2000 prohrál 3:8 a SHL 2000/2001 prohrál 0:9. Výsledky netřeba podceňovat, ale ani přeceňovat v turnaji to bude o něčem jiném. Myslíme si, že za standartní cenu SHL je to velice dobrá škola...., byť si to všichni zřejmě málo uvědomujeme. Jsou i tací, kteří by raději hráli na dvě lajny :-( , ale touto cestou určitě nepůjdeme... Je to skvělá zkušenost pro všechny hráče, kteří se mohli zúčastnit, ne jen pro pár vyvolených!
Zítra nás čeká další těžký program a to švédské výběry, hráči již dostanou malinko větší prostor, bude řada změn... Věříme, že i zítřejší utkání splní svůj účel a dobře nás připraví na vstup do turnaje BAUER EURO INVITE 2013!
Týmy HTA a SHL sehrají utkání se ŠVÉDSKÝMI VÝBĚRY! Po společných trénincích se zámořskými výběry nabídne exluzivně projekt Hockey Talent Academy všem hráčům, kteří obléknou v turnaji Bauer Euro Invite dres HTA či SHL další vynikající možnost zahrát si se špičkovými světovými týmy. Soupeřem týmů HTA (Hockey Talent Academy) a SHL (Speed Hockey League) budou švédské výběry REEBOK SELECTS SWEDEN a STOCKHOLM SELECTS! Utkání se budou hrát 1.srpna na stadionu KOBRA PRAHA.
2001 8:00am (0800hr) 9:00am (0900hr) KOBRA Stockholm Selects vs HTA
2002 9:15am (0915hr) 10:15am (1015hr) KOBRA Reebok Selects vs HTA
2000 10:30am (1030hr) 11:30am (1130hr) KOBRA Reebok Selects Red vs SHL
2000 11:45am (1145hr) 12:45pm (1245hr) KOBRA Reebok Selects White vs HTA
2001 1:00pm (1300hr) 2:00pm (1400hr) KOBRA Reebok Selects Red vs SHL
2001 2:15pm (1415hr) 3:15pm (1515hr) KOBRA Reebok Selects White vs HTA (play twice that day)
1999/1998 3:30pm (1530hr) 4:30pm (1630hr) KOBRA Reebok Selects vs HTA
Voříšek: musím říct, že jsem s týmem spokojen. Jsem velmi rád, že se mi podařilo získat do každé lajny z mého pohledu velmi kvalitního centra. Snažil jsem se vybrat hráče, kteří nehrají pouze do útoku, ale umí plnit i defenzivní úkoly. Pevně věřím, že zvládneme vítězně i toto těžké utkání.
Domin: s výběrem hráčů jsem spokojen, vyměnil bych s Lubošem maximálně jednoho hráče. Věřím všem draftovaným hráčům a těším se na předvedený výkon.
Již zanedlouho bude mít možnost 120 hráčů, kteří navštěvují Hockey Talent Academy nahlédnout pod pokličku zámořského a skandinávského hokeje a konfrontovat se s ním. Jsme rádi, že se v týmech SPEED HOCKEY LEAGUE a Hockey Talent Academy a objeví hráči z různých zemí - Česka, Slovenska, Německa, Rakouska, Polska, Kanady, Ruska, USA, Švédska, právě to je přidaná hodnota pro všechny zainteresované hráče... V termínu od 31.7 do 4.8.2013 proběhne i díky projektu Hockey Talent Academy řada akcí na které se zcela určitě všichni těšíme. I pro tak velký projekt jakým je Hockey Talent Academy je těžké dát dohromady v tomto termínu 7 kvalitních výběrů, někteří hráči pravidelně navštěvující výuky Hockey Talent Academy nastoupí za své mateřské kluby či se nechali na poslední chvíli zlákat jinými týmy... I přes tato úskalí se nám to podařilo... Děkujeme všem, kteří nominaci přijmuli a bez jakýchkoli výhrad respektují rozhodnutí nominační komise Hockey Talent Academy, velice si toho vážíme! Je však velice důležité, že hráči takovou možnost mají a ať už turnaj dopadne jakkoli, přejeme všem hráčům příjemné zážitky, ať už hrají v jakémkoli dresu... Děkujeme všem klubům, kteří nám uvolnili hráče pro tuto akci své hráče.
Stanislav Jasečko (bílý tým) : "Co si povieme pred zapasom ostane len v mansaftu, ale inak celkovo pre ludi co sa pridu pozriet budem rad, ak budu fandit lepsiemu a ocenia kvalitu na lade a striedacke."
Luboš Voříšek (modrý tým) : "Pevně věřím, že dnešní draft dopadne alespoň tak, jako minule. Opět budu vsázet na osvědčené hráče, kteří svojí výkonnost neustále potvrzují. Budu chtít do svého týmu nejen dovednostně výborné hráče, ale také bojovníky, kteří udělají pro vítězství maximum."
I’ve been coming to the Hockey Talent Academy for 3 years now and the camps always have a high quality. A lot of top players, not just from Czech Republic but also from Slovakia, Slovenia, Germany and Austria, are coming here which gives to the camps a high level. I think this project is very interesting for the players, they can compare themselves with others and can learn a lot. I wouldn’t be coming here if I didn’t like it; I think it has a big impact for every player. That is the reason why I have both of my sons here. I think the improvement is visible. HTA focus especially on skating technique which I think is a little neglected in hockey clubs. Here it is made more interesting, giving something extra to make it better, something more that helps the players. Personally I must say that it helped both of my sons a lot. It’s clearly visible that they improved in skating a great deal. This project makes sense.
Michal Rozsíval
NHL player, double winner of STANLEY CUP
I’m glad I had a chance to participate in Hockey Talent Academy camps as a guest. I would like to come again in the future. I had a chance to help a little bit but also to learn something because I think that Hockey Talent Academy is a very good school not only for young players but also for prospective coaches. The project is managed at the highest level as far as the view of the players and coaches goes. The trainings are perfectly prepared. They train for all situations which can come in hockey. I think that it’s important for every player to get better in each skill and to improve with the help of these special exercises.
Marek Malík
NHL player, player for Czech National Team
I saw 3 trainings in 3 different categories from the youth players to juniors. The coaches are trying to give them different trainings and to train in several groups. It’s good that each group focuses on a different thing. If the training, especially in skating, is more creative then it will have a bigger impact on the player because skating is the main skill in hockey. You can see that the players here are very well coached and the trainings are of a high quality. It would be good if players have an opportunity to be here for a few days to try something different. They can work on their weaker skills for when they return to their home teams.
Radek Dvořák
NHL player, player for Czech National Team
I enjoyed the Hockey Talent Academy camp. I had never been on such a hockey camp before as a player. I just saw a few things on video. I think it’s a great thing for young players. Here are a lot of good players and it can help them before the season. The season starts in August so if someone comes 5 times during the summer to this camp it can improve them a lot. I can see here that the coaches dedicate themselves a lot to the players, correcting them, and this must help them in the future. I think we should have more hockey schools in Czech like this one and the boys should visit them. Then our hockey youth could move forward.
Michal Řepík
NHL, KHL, SM league player, player for Czech National Team
I don’t see any difference between HTA and academies overseas. I think it’s an important thing that they are doing that with the same methodology. When I was looking for something similar and searching for a partner in Czech Republic who would have similar ideas and really care about the player and his individual preparation and how to teach them hockey, I found Jaromir Pytlik. Our aims are very similar in some points because the idea is similar and that is the important thing. Honestly I can’t tell if the academy here or those in Canada are different; we do it specifically and they do it also specifically. I’m glad when I come here and can help them and I was also glad when they came to Canada for 10-days training - in fact we’re helping each other. I’m glad to see other training groups and like to educate myself as a coach; it’s very important for me.
Yogi Svejkovsky
Canadian Skill’s Coach, Assistant Coach for WHL, former NHL player
Jaromir introduced a very good skating program for our team which leads to better effectiveness in movement, especially slides. I’m happy to see Jaromir’s own skating ability; it’s always better when the instructor impresses the players with his own presentation so much that they want to improve and skate as he does. I liked how Jaromir separated his own moves to shorter and basic elements of the skating which he then put back together in a most effective move. Even the best skaters from our team had a challenge with the difficult skating exercises which Jaromir first showed them before helping even our best skaters to get better. As a head coach I was really pleased with this cooperation and was really glad that Jaromir worked with our players in such a way. The players improved their skating thanks to the skating exercises he showed them and then they started work on their skating improvement by themselves when Jaromir was absent. It’s proof of a well done job.
Jeff Tomlinson
Canadian professional coach, Assistant Coach of German National Team
Thanks to my friends I got know the HTA camps. I looked at some videos on the internet and must say that I liked their work very much. That was the reason to bring my son here. I saw that the kids who were here already last year had got better and I hope that my son will like to come here as well. Today was the second day of the camp and he was really excited. HTA does a very good job with young players and pushes them forward in their career. The trainings are perfect, with all the things you’re not able to do during the season in your club and you can see how the players are getting better. I believe that this academy will continue to run well and will create some of the best players not only for Czech Republic and Slovakia but also for neighbouring countries.
Milan Bartovič
NHL, KHL player, player for Slovakia National Team